jerad's blog

Reduce the Rancor

MN DFL head Ken Martin and MN GOP head David Hann sit being interviewed by Braver Angels' Bill Doherty

Would you believe that neither the head of Minnesota’s GOP nor its DFL party think of their counterparts as “enemies?” The word – and the existential threat, the need to eliminate that it implies – is one both leaders actively avoid using when referring to people with whom they disagree.

Tell Congress: Extend Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees Law to those still fleeing

More than eight million Ukrainians have been forced to leave their homes since the Russian invasion. According to the Minnesota Department of Human Services, about 300 people have been admitted as humanitarian parolees to Minnesota. Most Ukrainians who come to Minnesota do so through the Humanitarian Parole program. 


Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees who entered the United States on or after February 24, 2022, and before September 30, 2023, and their immediate relatives, are eligible for the following public benefits to the same extent as refugees.

MCC CEO to retire. National search launched for new CEO.



February 13, 2024


Rev. Jerad Morey, Director of Strategic Relationships
Minnesota Council of Churches
(507) 403-0070


Rev. Dr. Curtiss Paul DeYoung to retire as Co-CEO of Minnesota Council of Churches

National search for new CEO led by Ballinger Leafblad

Co-CEO Statement on Holy Land

I have been to Palestine and Israel five times since 2006. During the first days after the shocking and horrific attack by Hamas on civilians in Israel, I paused from making a statement out of respect for Jewish-led processes of grief. Soon civilians in Gaza and the West Bank were also under attack. I keep thinking about the PEOPLE of the Holy Land.


Year-Before-Election-Day Communion: November 5, 2023

One person giving another person what looks like an "I voted" sticker, but the close-up of the sticker reads "Election Day Communion" instead

Since 2012 churches have been practicing communion on election day. In 2023 congregations have a unique opportunity: Sunday, November 5 is exactly one year before Election Day 2024. Given the disinformation and division the United States faced in 2020, the development of new AI technologies being used to activate our anger, the reduction of barriers to hate speech on social media, and the accelerated "great sort" in many communities brought on in the COVID era next year's elections could be more rancorous - and find followers of Jesus more divided - than ever.
